The weather outside is getting incredibly cold, with cars already freezing overnight! In line with this it is vital that motorists know all of the best tips to preserve the integrity of their compressed air hose systems so that they can be sure they are running as safely and as efficiency as possible in the cold weather.

At this time of year, you may notice that your industrial air compressor is facing some operational challenges – especially if where you live has been really cold. One of the key problems that can occur us frozen condensate. It is natural for air compressors of this kind to produce condensate, it is only when this condensate freezes that is become dangerous. When condensate freezes it can impede system functions and can even lead to frozen control lines, cracking heat exchanges, frozen valves and more.

If you are an air compressor owner, you should follow these best practices this winter to ensure its durability and effectiveness can be continued:

Weather-Proof Your Air Compressor

You should winterise your air compressor in order to protect it from rain, sleet, snow and ice! You should conduct an in-depth audit of your gas hose fittings to ensure that it is as weather proof as possible. There are many ways to weatherproof these compressors, including using lubricants, dryers and heaters.

Practice Thorough Maintenance All Winter

You need to ensure that you maintain your air compressor not only before winter arrives but throughout the seasons also. If you are constantly running your air compressor in cold and harsh conditions, it will require regular weather-conscious servicing! When maintaining your compressor, you should always look at drains, lubricants and filters to see that they are as impeccable as possible. You should also take time to ensure there are no leaks, and where they are fix these immediately.

Maintain an Ambient Indoor Environment 

Where possible throughout winter it is best to keep air compressors in heated and insulated compressor rooms to avoid them becoming too cold. To make sure that these rooms are perfect for winter you should ensure that your room has adequate heating and correct ventilation. At no point should any air compressor be operating below 40 degrees Fahrenheit – with many experts advising that during winter air compressor room should be around or above 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

These are only some of the ways that you can look after and get the most out of your air compressor this winter too! If you want even more amazing tips and advice, or if you have any questions, we recommend that you contact The Hosemaster today who will no doubt be delighted to assist you.

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Sawyer Cole Harris: Sawyer, a DIY enthusiast, shares home project tutorials, woodworking tips, and creative ways to personalize your space.

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